$364 MILLION – Next Drawing Saturday

Interior Secretary Mayorkas said that the government does not have funds to get thru the hurricane season
If someone says.
“I can’t believe you would vote for Trump.”

Actor Kevin Sorbo:
That moment when someone says, “I can’t believe you would vote for Trump.”
I simply reply, “I’m not voting for Trump.” I’m voting for…


Local Kitchens 50% Off Lafayette

50% Off Lafayette store – limited time
We’ve teamed up with award-winning chefs to revamp our menu. Come try delicious new spins on everyday classics. Use code RETRYLAFAYETTE for 50% off

Young Mother with Terminal Cancer Diagnosis Attempts to Raise Money for Her Own Funeral, Gets So Much More

HAPPY NEW YEAR to Our Jewish Friends
Came Upon below Rosh Hashanah message from a New York rabbi that I thought might be of interest to others who have had difficulty with loss and grieving in their lives, as have I… whether it be personal loss or grieving the tragedies in Israel and beyond-and those who have lost their lives and their families, or figurative loss
Happy New Year to our Jewish Friends
A single fall seems to significantly increase the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. – Dr Snow Radio

Without my pets my pocket book Would be full, my house would be clean but my heart would be empty
Animal Rescue

Orinda Car Show featured Ford Mustang Shelbys along with everything else, SEPT ’24 – Bay Area Backroads >>> https://bayareabackroads.org/2024/10/orinda-car-show-sept-24/

The Oakland Coliseum Finally Gets Some Respect with Last A’s Game >>>
https://bayareabackroads.org/2024/09/the-oakland-coliseum-finally-gets-some-respect/ #oaklandAs #Oakland coliseum

Coupon Country and Jack’s ‘A ‘ LIST